MEET THE 5 FLORISH™️ Bacillus Spores
One of the key differences when it comes to probiotics and FLORISH™ Spore Probiotic is that we use more than the typical two or maybe three strains of bacteria in the supplement. And that the probiotic bacteria has been encapsulated in their spore state which offers far better delivery right into the intestines without being damaged by the stomach acids.
FLORISH™️ Spore Probiotics with Fulvic Acid use 5 specific strains that work together to deliver some of the most amazing results, rapidly in your gut.
FLORISH™️ Spore Probiotics offers a unique combination of five Bacillus bacteria strains with Fulvic Acid.
This unique formulation effectively and progressively reconditions the entire gut, to provide the optimal environment for restoration of gut-microbial diversity, and your overall health and wellbeing. It helps to replenish your microbiome throughout your entire gut, and also get delivered without being damaged or compromised via your stomach.
Here they are...
Bacillus SUBTILIS |
Bacillus INDICUS |
Bacillus CLAUSII |
Bacillus COAGULANS |
These 5 Bacillus strains work well to re-establish your healthy gut microbiome and they do so very rapidly too. They work with the other microbes in a very collaborative way to repopulate and restore the balance in your microbiome.
How can only five species of bacteria help, when there are an estimated 20,000+ species in your gut?
The microbes within the gut are highly competitive.
However, there appears to be an exception with these five Bacillus bacteria strains, because they progressively recondition the gut, improving the gut environment for ALL the species of beneficial bacteria, they are tolerated throughout the gut as essential.
This enables the gut microbia to increase in diversity — the gut is regulated, overgrowths are eliminated, and natural gut-antibiotics are produced to wipe out fungal infections. These five species of Bacillus bacteria are thus the regulators or “police” of the gut, having a profound effect on the health of the gutmicrobiome as a whole. Leaky Gut issues diminish and disappear — food intolerances and allergies do likewise — simply because the gut is becoming progressively healthier, by virtue of the introduction of these vital gut healing strains.
It has been established that microbial diversity is the key to a healthy gut, and a healthy gut is the key to increased immune tolerance, which is the single governing factor determining how robust your health is, or isn’t.
Our Stockists and Practitioners have seen many patients recover very quickly from IBS and Leaky Gut, and they have seen massive improvements in their patient's immunity and overall wellness within weeks of taking FLORISH™️ Spore Probiotics with Fulvic Acid.
For more information, check out the research section of this website.