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Gut Health, Health, Microbiome, Nutrition, Research, Youtube -

What Sugar Really Does to the Body and how it works

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How much poop do you actually store in your body?

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Gut Health, Nutrition, Research, wellness, Youtube -

Aging is viewed as a natural and inevitable process, something that happens to all of us and cannot be stopped. But what if we looked at aging completely different - a string of symptoms caused by an underlying issue. Even though it might sound crazy there may be a way to cure aging, and it’s thanks to something that already lives inside all of us, our microbiome. Our microbiome is a collection of all microbes inside your body. This can include bacteria, fungi, and even viruses. Since the key to a long life is maintaining a healthy microbiome, experts believe...

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Gut Health, Health, Health Benefits, immune system, Microbiome, Nutrition, wellness, Youtube -

Protein is the most overemphasized and overconsumed macronutrient in the American diet, but for reasons that may surprise you. In less than an hour, Dr. Zach Bush will bust the protein myth — because your health depends on it.

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Gut Health, Health, Health Benefits, Microbiome, Research, Youtube -

The importance of the microbiome has really come to the fore in the last five years. Viome, a company that analyzed the feces of 100,000 people, has discovered 10,000 new types of gut bacteria. Additionally, Improved imaging technology led scientists to discover you don't have just one microbiome, you have two. The second one is in your brain, populated by the same bacteria that live in your gut. Simple habits can foster healthy gut and brain bacteria, which can help you live longer and age more slowly. Eat mostly vegetables, take fiber and prebiotics, and practice intermittent fasting, says Dave...

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