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Gut Health, Health, Health Benefits, Microbiome, Research, Youtube -

We live in a society where staying young and strong and beautiful normally means surgery, hands full of pills and strange exercise routines that promise miraculous results, fast. Aging has been something that many have been fighting for centuries and we're starting to see more and more that how we live and what we eat and how we exercise and sleep have far more to do with longevity than we could have ever imagined. In this video we get to hear from Dr. Rob Knight who has been sharing some insightful information for many years on the topic. Dr. Knight...

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Gut Health, Health, Health Benefits, Microbiome, Nutrition, Youtube -

There's a lot of conflicting info out there about how to eat healthily. Tim Spector studies the microbiome to gain insight into how its diversity can impact health outcomes.

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Health, Health Benefits, wellness, yoga, Youtube -

Taking the time to discover the many benefits of yoga and stretching allows us to see how we can incorporate some of the best elements to our routines, and the payoff is almost immediate.

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Gut Health, Health, Health Benefits, Microbiome, Nutrition -

Stress, low activity levels, and foods that cause inflammation can make this risk even greater.

However, studies suggest that some foods can help decrease chronic inflammation.

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Gut Health, Health, Health Benefits, Microbiome, Probiotic -

ACV has a long history as a home remedy and has been used to treat everything from a sore throat to high blood pressure. People with diabetes use it in hopes of keeping their blood sugar in check. Others say it’s good for keeping “bad” cholesterol levels low. And then there are those who go on about how apple cider vinegar can help with digestion, and reflux issues in particular.

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