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Gut Health, Health, Health Benefits, immune system, Microbiome, Nutrition, wellness, Youtube -

Protein is the most overemphasized and overconsumed macronutrient in the American diet, but for reasons that may surprise you. In less than an hour, Dr. Zach Bush will bust the protein myth — because your health depends on it.

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Health, Nutrition, Research, wellness, Youtube -

Sugar is hiding everywhere in today's widely-accepted diet, but meanwhile its devastating effects are creating more deaths than automobile accidents.

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Gut Health, Microbiome, Nutrition, Research, Youtube -

What exactly is your microbiome?

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Health, Health Benefits, Nutrition, Research, wellness, Youtube -

It's time to unlearn some of the big myths we need to address - how much water you need to drink a day is one of these big myths.

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Gut Health, Health, Microbiome, Nutrition, Research, Youtube -

Find out how our microbiome is so important for our wellbeing, the extreme measures some people are taking to manipulate it and what you can do to eat yourself healthy.

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